Sunday, July 24, 2011

Some highlights...

-My roommate, Bianca, comes into our room.  I am minding my own business.  She takes one look at the wall and says, "Do you see that?!"  (Bugs)  "Oh my GOD!  There are a MILLION of them!"  (Close to!)  "WHAT IS T H A T?!"  (Gigantic moth... we THINK!)  I was laughing so hard, I couldn't breathe by the end of her monologue!  We live with dogs, roaches, geckos, ants, moths, and God himself only knows what else!  Oh, and this morning, we got caught in the middle of a pack of cows.  I can't be sure how exactly these things happen.  Looked like we'd be waiting this one out.  Nothing else to do, but reach over and pet their sweet little heads :-)

-Our afternoon training is now in Spanish, since the Honduran teachers have now joined us!  After 4 hours of continuous professional training in Spanish, heat, lunch, bugs, and paint fumes... WE ARE DONE!  I had my first dream in Spanish the other night, wake up thinking in Spanish words occasionally!  I can't speak either language correctly now!  I figure this mass confusion is the beginning of something GOOD!!

-When I came out of my house today, ready to start up the rocky hill to the main road, I looked up and saw: a wild horse, stray dog, and a rooster- COOOOOL!  There is a little family of sheep that wander outside the school gate in the afternoons- BAHHHHHH!!!  The baby is sooooo CUTE :-)

-We traveled 3 hours by bus this weekend and dove in the ocean for the first time this year!

-The walls in the host house do not go all the way up to the ceiling.  ...SOOOO, when someone is sick, EVERYONE KNOWS!!  I can hear a man talking in his sleep every so often.  I can't tell what he is saying in slurred Spanish, nor can I tell who it is!  Cracks me up every time, though!