Monday, October 17, 2011


As if snakes in my bedroom aren't enough.  Now, there are scorpions in my office.  Grabbed a Honduran to take care of this one.  She killed it with a broom stick, informing me that it can kill a small child and send me immediately to the hospital.  She said as she was leaving with the scorpion, squashed with the stinger hanging out, "Be careful!  They live under that sheet on your wall!"  W H A T

HOLY JESUS!  Another Honduran, Don Celeo, just came into our room to shake the sheet.  A gecko ran out and a tiny spider.  He said about the spider, "this one isn't dangerous," as he reached out and smushed it between his two fingers.  He has agreed to cut this tarp down after the children leave school today.  Why do I have goose bumps right now?!